Frequently asked questions
When will my order ship? The processing time to prepare your order for shipment is approximately 3-4 business days. I do work a full time job but try to process orders as quickly as possible.
How long will it take to get my order? It depends on where you are located. Domestic orders processed take about 4-7 business days to arrive. Delivery details will be provided in your order confirmation email.
Can I track my order? Once your order has been sent you will receive an email with an online tracking number. If you have any trouble locating your tracking number, feel free to contact me at
Do you accept returns or exchanges? I always aim to make sure our customers love my products, but if you do need to return/exchange an item, I'm happy to help. Exchanges and returns are possible up to one month after the date of receipt of the product. Just email me directly at and I’ll take you through the process.
How can I exchange / return a product? Please have your order number ready and contact us at Products must be returned in their packaging and in original unworn condition.
Do you guarantee your product? Absolutely. I offer a 100% guarantee with lifetime quality assurance. If part of your item becomes defective I will repair it at no cost. You will ship the item to me and I will repair and return the product back to you good as new.